Thursday, October 13, 2011

iLove Favorites

Thank you bunches to everyone who entered this week!  I loved looking through all the pictures and they were great!  Here are some of my favorites:

Jennoelle from Unoriginal Originality

Caitlin from A Stitch In Time

Congratulations everybody!  And thanks so much again to everybody that entered!  Hope to 'see' you all back on Monday! :)

What are your all's favorites?

{Note: By the way, I know the linky was kinda messed up last week.  I'll try and have that back to normal for Monday.}


  1. Aww, thanks! (: These are ALL gorgeous.

    Oh, and as a side note: thank you for spelling my name correctly. ;p So often when I enter photo challenges, it gets misspelled. hehe!

  2. I love them all! But my two favorites are the first one and the last one. All of the photographers did a wonderful job!

  3. I love Jenoelle's! It's just beautiful <3

    xoxo Miss ALK
