-I love my new job! Like seriously love. I am so blessed!
-I've been listening to Addison Road a lot here recently. I really like their "Stories" album. I think my favorite song is this one... (My post title includes some of the lyrics.)
-I'm a senior this year! Whoa! I'm really excited! And guess what...I have my first senior meeting with my senior class to discuss senior-y things next month. I'm pumped! (And yes I did just fit the word senior into a sentence three different times. Haha!)
-Bokeh has quickly become one of my fascinations. I love it! {Side note: I obviously totally missed my face in this photo so ignore that...I'm showing it because of the beautiful bokeh. <3}
-If you would please do me a favor and check out a one of my good friend's blogs I'd truly appreciate it...
Emily has a really great ministry and I know she'd be tickled if you checked it out.
-Whoa...what do you all think of the new blogger? It's pretty different! I don't know my thoughts on it yet...still trying to get used to it.
-I believe this is all for now...I hope you enjoyed my little list of things. Have a great rest of your Wednesday.
The End
{Linking up with Bleah Briann at Where Love Abounds.}