Tuesday, January 1, 2013

looking back at 2012

--joined pinterest
--saw beauty and the beast in 3-D...twice

--bought my new mac computer...Minnie

--my brother Logan turned twelve

--started writing in a journal again

--my brother Zachary turned sixteen

--started straightening my hair

--turned eighteen...official adult! O_o

--my beautiful sister, Annie, turned fifteen

--read the hunger games

--my car, Waldo, was given to me

--graduated high school...!!

--watched a sunrise

--played mini golf for the first time...let's just say it's not my thing

--helped lead a middle school church trip and got to go zip lining and white water rafting

--colored my hair for the first time

--watched Annie play softball...she is one awesome catcher

--fell in love with the doctor 

--rode my first roller coaster
--started my first full-time college semester

--my sister and i painted our bathroom...doctor who themed

--went to my first drive-in theater

--took a huge family vacation to Florida

--met my amazing dear friend, Emily

--was a pink lady for Halloween

--helped host a great Thanksgiving
--made my muscle head model for anatomy class. i call him Herman and he seriously boosted my grade in that class. i owe him.

--put up our Christmas tree

--my grandma went to be with Jesus
--survived school
--went to see the hobbit

--had a very blessed Christmas

There were a lot of firsts this year. And a lot of lasts. I will admit, 2012 was a tough year. But that doesn't mean there were not good memories made. It's the first day of 2013 and I want to pray for a peaceful new year. But most of all, I pray that God's will be done in 2013. 

1 comment:

  1. I just joined Pinterest this month. I LOVE it. I will check your account out. Here is a link to mine. http://pinterest.com/efaithv/

