Saturday, November 19, 2011

I'm a girl.

I originally was going to post something different today.  Something different from what I'm writing right now.  But this is something that has been on my heart for the past few weeks and I felt like being really transparent with you all about it.


Yep.  Aren't they just so complicated sometimes?  I'm 17 going on 18 in a few months and I've watched myself really change over this year of being 17.  I'm becoming a young adult (scary!), getting more privileges...growing wings. And for most of us girls, relationships almost come hand-in-hand with becoming an adult.

I've committed to not dating.  I'm a girl who doesn't want to give a piece of myself to a dozen boys before I find Mr. Right.  I'm a girl who wants to be pursued.  I'm a girl who is going to court.  I'm a girl who is pure.  I'm a girl who is going to wait for my wedding day.  That's who I am.

Over the past month or so, it's really hit me that I am growing up.  That I've committed for years to wait until I'm old enough to start a relationship and that I'm nearly 'old enough'.  I'm starting to desire having a guy in my life.

Then I heard this song last Sunday morning at church.

 You are my supply
My breath of life
And still more awesome than I know
You are my reward
worth living for
And still more awesome than I know

All of You is more than enough for all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You is more than enough

You’re my sacrifice 
Of greatest price 
And still more awesome than I know 
You’re the coming King 
You are everything 
And still more awesome than I know

More than all I want
More than all I need
You are more than enough for me
More than all I know
More than all I can say
You are more than enough for me

He is all I need.  I'll still desire to have a husband one of these days.  But I learned that I don't have to have one, because I am more than content in my Lord.  He is more than enough!


  1. Wow, what inspiring words. That is exactly how I feel. I am 18 going on 19 and I feel like it is much better to stay pure for your husband. I like that song too!! What inspiring words to me, that God is more than enough for us. God will bring along the right man for you, sometimes it is hard wondering if that guy will ever come, but God's timing is best!! I enjoyed reading this post, you really encouraged me!!

  2. Hmm, so true. Just "growing up" has definitely changed things in me, and one is a greater...oh, awareness of guys, shall we say? ;] But I'm totally committed to waiting for the perfect one if God has such a man for me, and I'm totally okay with not having him yet. God is enough. And I do like that song. =]

  3. Beautiful. Keeping on waiting- He will provide.

  4. i'm in love with that picture. jussayin:)

    and He IS more than enough! so, so much more.

    anna :)

  5. So so so so true! I really would like to write a book about this subject one day. God has taught me so much about this, especially by reading the books "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" by Joshua Harris, "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric & Leslie Ludy, as well as "Praying For Your Future Husband" by Tricia Goyer & Robin Jones Gunn (that one was probably my favorite).

    I 100% agree that God will not bring someone into our lives until we can be completely content and satisfied in Him and only Him. Us girls have a desire to be pursued, to be loved... and I think that's why so many of us jump from relationship to relationship, giving pieces of our hearts out to different guys, when the One we're really searching for has been with us all along. And once we find Him and grow in him during the waiting season, then He will bring the right one into our lives. It's all about patience. =)

    I also decided not to "date" until I knew for a fact that it was God's will, the guy that God has for me. This past summer God surprised me by bringing this guy into my life... one that had been my best childhood guy friend growing up, but we drifted apart as we got older. It's actually a really long story, I might write a post on it soon so I won't have to write the entire thing on this comment. =)

    Anyways, thanks for sharing this Katie! I really recommend those books by the way. Especially that last one.

    God bless!<3

  6. Thank you all so much for your lovely, inspiring comments!

    Blessings to each of you...
