Monday, October 22, 2012


I stole borrowed this post idea from Miss Tessa Hall over at Christ is Write. Check out her blog; it's wonderful. She's been doing this post for the last few months and I always thought it was a really neat idea. So I thought, why not try it out.

Currently Reading...

  • Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers
  • Jenny B. Jones books...she is fantastic.
  • Rob Bell books...he's also pretty super.
Currently Watching...
  • Doctor Who. Lots and lots and lots of Doctor Who.
  • Castle. Season five has started. Excited!
Currently Listening To...
  • Needtobreathe The Reckoning
  • Tenth Avenue North The Struggle
  • Way-FM Radio. The Wally Show is the best.
Currently Working On...
  • Anatomy and Physiology homework. Tests and papers are coming up!
Currently Sipping On...
  • White Chocolate Mochas...but I'm going to try out Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte soon as well.
  • Fiji water.
Currently Looking Forward To...
  • Wednesday morning coffee and Bible study with my dear friend Bethany.
What are you doing here lately?


  1. I still haven't gotten TAN's new album, and I really want to!! they're so great. (: also I love that coffee picture, anddd the studying great. you need--I repeat, NEED--to get a pumpkin spice latte. I basically live on those things. ;)

  2. Yay you're doing it now too! =) I love Jenny B. Jones books. I can't wait until she comes out with another YA novel.

    What is Doctor Who about? I've been wondering if it's a show I might enjoy watching. It's about time travel right?

    I love love love Needtobreathe! =) Bo and Bear's dad is actually the pastor of my church, which is pretty neat since they've come and sung for us a couple times. They're so talented!

    You should definitely try Starbucks pumpkin spice latte if you haven't already. It's seriously heaven. <3 Except I've had so many this fall I'm getting a little tired of them already lol. =)

  3. I might have to steal this idea!

  4. I would caution you about Rob Bell's book, "Love Wins". If you don't know the controversy, then some simple Google searches will let you know what I mean. I know you have a good head on your shoulders and would be able to discern in this area. I agree, that he has some good stuff out there, but that one is NOT.

  5. Tessa- Doctor Who is my favorite TV show. It's a british sci-fi, and honestly it's kinda weird at times. It's about time travel and aliens, but it's different than any show I've ever seen. I love it! Definitely recommend it.

    Buffy- I have been warned about "Love Wins." The guy who recommended Bell's books said, "Read all of them except this one." Haha! Thank you for the info! Hope all is well! :)
